What is Programming Paradigm?

Hasnain Ajmal
2 min readJan 25, 2023


What is programming paradigm?

A programming paradigm is a way of thinking about and approaching the problem of writing computer programs. Different programming paradigms have different philosophies, concepts, and techniques for solving problems. Here are a few examples of common programming paradigms:

  1. Imperative programming: This paradigm is focused on the step-by-step instructions that the computer should follow to solve a problem. Programs written in this paradigm use statements that change the state of the program, such as variable assignments and control flow statements.
  2. Object-oriented programming: This paradigm is focused on the objects and the interactions between them. Programs written in this paradigm are made up of objects, which are instances of classes. Classes define the properties and methods of an object, and objects communicate with each other through messages.
  3. Functional programming: This paradigm is focused on the mathematical functions that take input and produce output. Programs written in this paradigm use functions that are pure, meaning that they always produce the same output for a given input, and they don’t cause side-effects.
  4. Logic programming: This paradigm is focused on the logic and the rules that should be followed to solve a problem. Programs written in this paradigm use rules that describe the relationships between different predicates, and a reasoning engine that tries to find a solution based on those rules.

Many modern programming languages support multiple paradigms and developers can mix and match them according to the problem they are solving.

So to summarize, a programming paradigm is a way of structuring and solving a problem using specific techniques and concepts, and each paradigm has its own philosophy and techniques.



Hasnain Ajmal

I am a junior Data Scientist adept at collecting, analyzing, and interpreting large datasets, developing new forecasting models, and performing data management